And we all know what that means…. Crazy costumes with TONS of makeup! Along with staying out late and an over indulgence of candy and drink. We often just want to give up at the end of the night and fall into bed…let’s not forget to take off our makeup!
Typically I am not a proponent of not washing one’s face but I know there can be mitigating circumstances when one just can’t manage it. For those times we are lucky that makeup wipes exist. Wipes will never replacing actually washing with a quality cleanser and your Clarisonic but it is just fine to use in a pinch, especially if the other option is not cleansing at all. Using a wipe will save your skin from imminent doom, it will also save your pillowcase from makeup stains and it will certainly prevent looking like a lady of the night after a night dressed as Cinderella. So if you think there is a chance you won’t have the energy to remove your makeup let’s prep for the worse case scenario.
Invest in a package of cleansing wipe and put them by your bedside just in case you don’t rally to even brush your teeth!
I don’t have a strong opinion about which wipe to choose. As I hope they are used only for emergencies I would suggest going for a less expensive brand. My personal brand of choice is Trader Joe’s Micellar Cleanser & Makeup Remover. Now for comparison’s sake, I did some research on Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes and Honest 3-in-1 facial towelettes.
Cost wise they are all about the same if you compare cost per wipe. Ingredient wise my TJ towelettes may have potentially less “good for you” ingredients then Simple or Honest. If you are very concerned about ingredients, I assume you’d wash your face like normal and skip the wipe anyway. But for the rest of us… go grab a pack of your favorite wipes and have them on standby! But promise me, in the morning you will cleanse twice and please use your Clarisonic!
Be safe and have a Happy Halloween!
Feel Beautiful,
Be Beautiful.
Great advice, as always! I’ve noticed you’ve recommended quite a few TJs skin items lately and I’ve never looked at those kinds of items there. Will have to check it out!
Trader Joe’s has some great products for a reasonable cost. I would NOT recommend them to be used ALL the time but they definitely have their place in the skincare arsenal!